DATA FROM THE leading rural insurer shows that the average cost of flood damage in 2022 was over £20,000 with Wales, the Midlands and South West England suffering flood damage, NFU Mutual offers home and business owners advice Britain is becoming wetter and 1 in 4 homes are now at risk of flooding Homeowners who do suffer floods should see if they are eligible for schemes to prevent future damage
With the latest claims from NFU Mutual showing that the average cost of flood damage in 2022 was £20,000, the leading rural insurer is issuing advice to those hit by flooding.
The advice comes as floods have hit Wales, the Midlands and the South West of England, and with yellow warnings for rainfall remaining and further volatile weather predicted for the coming weeks, NFU Mutual is urging home and business owners to be flood aware.
Andrew Chalk, rural insurance specialist at NFU Mutual, said:
“While the past couple of years have seen a relatively low number of flood claims, this week’s heavy rainfall shows that it is never safe to dismiss the risk of flood damage – particularly as latest claims figures from NFU Mutual show the average cost of flood damage in 20222 ran to over £20,000.
“NFU Mutual urges those affected by flooding to make safety their first priority, making sure family and pets are kept away from flood water. If you can, move to higher parts of your property and switch electricity and gas supplies off in flooded areas.
“Notify your insurance company immediately and request alternative accommodation if your house is no longer safe, and contact family and friends. Likewise, business owners should remain in contact with employees and customers to avoid unnecessary risk-taking.
“If you need to move into a different area of the house or to alternative accommodation, make sure you take prescriptions, other medicines and specialist food – like baby food – with you. Flooding can cause disruption such as road closure and the closure of local businesses, so take as much with you as you can.
“When it’s safe to enter the flooded area again, catalogue all damaged items for insurance claims and begin clearing and drying out the area, seeking advice from your insurance company.
“At NFU Mutual, our local Agents will be alert to flood warnings in their community and will be on hand to help, so it’s important you also have access to copies of your insurance documents and relevant contact details.
“If you have suffered flooding, we recommend checking whether you can rebuild with flood resilient repairs. Since 2017, NFU Mutual has offered its Flood Resilient Repair scheme to all home insurance customers.
“As part of the scheme, customers who suffer flood damage above £10,000 receive a contribution from NFU Mutual to implement repairs which will protect the property from future flooding.
“With more insurers also now offering flood resilient repairs under the Government-backed Build Back Better scheme, it is worth checking if you can access extra help if you suffer a flood.”
Flood resilient repairs are repairs carried out following flood damage which prevent extensive damage in any subsequent flood.
Common examples are:
- Raising electrical sockets and white goods away from floor level.
- Replacing flooring with waterproof tiling and grout.
- Installing flood-resistant, self-sealing air bricks.
- Fitting valves to drains to prevent backflow flooding.
- Replacing doors with waterproof doors to prevent flood water spreading
Future flood risk
With Britain seeing more rainfall now, one in four properties are at risk of flooding. NFU Mutual advises all home and business owners to check whether their property is in a flood risk area and sign up to Met Office and Environment Agency alerts for their area, which will alert people of forecasted heavy rain and floods by text, phone call or email.
When a flood is forecast, have a plan in place to move possessions to higher ground, if possible, and move your car to a safer position if you are able to do so.
Make sure electrical items are moved and make sure you know how to switch your mains electric and gas supply in the event of a flood, and have phone numbers for your utility providers, insurers and local council handy.
Prepare a flood or extreme weather pack, including a torch with batteries, phone power banks, first aid equipment, warm clothes and blankets, bottled water, snacks, and extra food for vulnerable members of the family like children or elderly relatives.
If you are able to do so, consider procuring sandbags to help block floodwater.
NFU Mutual flood advice
What to do if your home is flooded:
- Make safety your priority. Keep your family and pets away from the flood water and move to another part of the property.
- Call your insurer immediately, asking about alternative accommodation if your property is unsafe.
- Contact family and friends. If you can, switch off mains gas and electricity supplies in the affected area.
- Have a pack with essential items like prescriptions, other medicines and food, paying particular attention to items like baby food.
- Have a torch and charged mobile phone on hand in case of power cuts.
- When it’s safe to enter the flooded area again, catalogue all damaged items for insurance claims and begin clearing and drying out the area, seeking advice from your insurance company.
- Business owners should remain in contact with employees and customers.
NFU Mutual’s flood preparedness checklist:
Check if your property is at risk of flooding on the Government website.
Sign up for flood alerts on the Government website – these can be sent by text, email or delivered by phone call.
Put a flood plan in place, including:
- Moving valuables – including electric items – to a safe space
- Thinking about vulnerable members of your household and neighbours
- Noting down useful numbers like gas and electricity suppliers, the National Grid, local council and insurer
- Ensuring you know how to switch off your mains electricity and gas supply
- Consider procuring sandbags or other flood defence systems
- Prepare a flood or storm back, including:
- Bottled water and snacks
- Food for vulnerable household members like babies, children, and elderly relatives
- Pet food
- Torches with charged batteries
- Mobile phone power banks and chargers