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Plans for affordable homes in Llanfairpwll set to be considered

Proposed aerial view of homes planned for land off Y Garnedd at Llanfairwll (Pic: Ioacc Planning Documents)

A SCHEME to build 27 “affordable” homes on grazing land close to the A55 at Llanfairpwll is set to be considered by Anglesey planners.

Anglesey County Council’s planning and orders committee are scheduled to consider proposals for the homes at land north of housing at Y Garnedd when it next meets on Wednesday, November 6.

The proposal, submitted by Clwyd Alyn Housing Ltd and Du Construction Ltd, would be located on the edge of an existing residential estate to the south and bordered by the busy A55 to the north.

Location of the proposed housing close to the A55 on grazing land off Y Garnedd, Llanfairpwll (Pic: Ioacc Planning Documents)

The matter had been brought before the committee at the request of the local members, Councillors Robin Williams and Sonia Williams.

Although senior planners had recommend permitting the plan, key issues to consider had included “compliance with local and national planning policies, highway considerations, impact on neighbouring properties, drainage, flooding, noise and ecology and biodiversity considerations”.

The plans noted the site would be accessed from the existing Y Garnedd road.

The proposed housing schedule describes three four-bedroom houses, 14 two-bedroom houses, six three-bedroom houses, and four one-bedroom flats.

The scheme would also provide 58 car parking spaces.

The reported noted the local highway authority raised “no objections” and were also “satisfied” with the proposed car parking provision.

The plans also stated that the proposed site offered residents the opportunity to travel by non-car transport modes and would “encourage residents to choose to travel by sustainable mode”.

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Plans described the potential use of pedestrian footways, cycle routes, and the proximity of the train station at Llanfairpwll and local bus services.

In a former, pre application consultation, a report had noted that comments had been made by members of the public with regard to transport.

The report noted “they generally concerned traffic increase, insufficient visibility when exiting Garnedd onto Lon Penmynydd, the width of Y Garnedd and the impact of construction traffic”.

The highway authority had issued consultation responses requesting the creation of a priority junction on Y-Garnedd, together with swept paths which were included in a revised version, the plans said.

The report had noted a neighbouring football club had also objected to creating a new pedestrian access into the playing field “which they don’t support” due to “concerns that it will give rise to unauthorised use by dog walkers”.

“In light of this, a pedestrian link has been removed,” the report added.
