Home » Aberystwyth promenade parking charges likely to be backed
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Aberystwyth promenade parking charges likely to be backed

Aberystwyth Promenade (Pic: Google Street View)

PLANS for the first stage of potential parking charges of up to £5 on Aberystwyth’s promenade are expected to be backed by senior councillors next week.

The September 3 meeting of Ceredigion County Council’s Cabinet is recommended to support on-street charging for some 179 spaces at the seafront promenade, at a rate of £3.50 for two hours and £5 for four, with exemptions for blue badge holders.

A report for members says “it is proposed that charging is introduced between Castle Point and Constitution Hill, meaning that charging will occur in all parking bays (excluding the dedicated Blue Badge holder only bays) along New Promenade (outside the Old College, King Street, Marine Terrace, and Victoria Terrace)”.

It states: “ Charging at these proposed rates will mean that the ‘premium’ parking spaces along the Promenade would be slightly more expensive than the proposed charging structure within the Council’s Off-street Pay & Display Car Parks, thereby enabling the council to better manage its on-street parking provision along the Promenade by increasing turnover and availability of space,” adding: “Another outcome/benefit of charging will be to reduce the amount of commuter parking on the promenade making it more available for visitors to use and reducing pollution through reduced vehicle movements”.

It is recommended by officers a formal consultation on the proposals is backed by Cabinet, despite members of the July Thriving Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee not supporting the proposals.

The report  says the annual council budget agreed at the end of February “included an expectation that potential surplus could be generated from the council’s off-street pay and display car parks to assist with achieving a balanced budget”.

It adds: “Any scheme along the seafront in Aberystwyth to introduce fees for on-street parking where none currently exist, should attempt to strike a balance between the needs of local residents accessing local services and where they live/their homes; local businesses; University students; and visitors to the town.”
