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Powys County Council consults on digital future

POWYS residents have fewer than two weeks left to have their say on the future development of digital services for the county’s archives, museums, and libraries.

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way the Council plans and delivers its services. It has been recognised that digital services have to take a prominent role in transforming the future of our archives, museums, and libraries in Powys.

Nina Davies, Powys County Council’s Head of Housing and Community Development said: “We are seeking residents views on how to develop our digital resources to deliver improved and more efficient services across our libraries, museums and archives. This includes using technology to potentially provide more services online and offering help to people to get the confidence to use those digital services in the future.”

This survey closes at midnight on Sunday 11 April 2021.

To complete the survey online, visit https://en.powys.gov.uk/article/790/Current-Consultations

Paper copies of the survey are also being distributed via the library’s order and collect service. To request a paper copy of the survey, if you do not already use the order and collect service, please email [email protected] or call 01597 827460.
