Home » Youth club opens its doors this december
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Youth club opens its doors this december

The Llandeilo Children and Youth Society announces the first drop-in sessions for 11 – 15-year-olds in the Civic Hall, starting December 8th at 4:30pm. There will be cold and hot drinks, biscuits and cakes.

“Our youth worker, Sioned Thompson, has worked for Dr Mz’s in Carmarthen and will run regular sessions aided by volunteers and will engage in an outreach programme locally,”
says the society’s chair Christoph Fischer. “To start with, the Youth Club will be running in the Civic Hall downstairs room on Mondays and Thursdays from 4:30pm – 6:30pm. To register, volunteer or get in touch with the Llandeilo Children and Youth Society please email [email protected].”

“Over the Festival of Senses I met mostly children of this age group,” Sioned told us. “We’ll be starting with that and see if we can develop this further at a later stage.”

“We encountered so much goodwill and generosity from the public and sponsors,” says treasurer John Meredith Williams. “It’s great to be able to finally deliver. It’s long overdue that kids have places to go in Llandeilo.”
