THE MIXED charity golf between Christmas and New Year has become a welcome break in the festivities, to get out in the fresh air playing the game we love, and to give something back to society after overindulging on Christmas fare.
This year the Ladies’ Captain’s charity is the Pembrokeshire Cystic Fibrosis Trust. The sponsor for the event was Steve Williams of Tenby Auto Center, the Green, Tenby. His kind sponsorship meant that we could donate all of the entry fees to the charity. That plus the raffle (kindly run by David T. Morgan), and the twos sweep (as no twos were recorded), gave us a grand total of £350 to a very worthwhile cause.
The Pro Shop also ran a draw and the lucky winners of £11 each were Richard and Dinah Reed, and Jean and John Charnock.
Considering the weather that has been ravaging the country for the last few weeks, we were lucky with our weather, though the last couples in were extremely cold. As one of the first groups out we experienced the four seasons. It was frosty for two holes; then the sun came out and layers of clothing were discarded; then the wind started building and drove in heavy showers so waterproofs on; finally the wind got up even stronger and colder as we were coming in. Nevertheless, it was the early birds that had the better weather. The scores were good with 15 pairs scoring more than 30 points. Just missing out on the prizes with 38 points were Sue Shooter and David Blackmore. Third place on count back went to Olivia and Robin Bradbury with 40 points, winning a black leather shoe cleaning set. Second were Chris and Carol Beecher with a better back nine and there prize was a golf umbrella each. However the winners with 44 points were Mervyn Tucker and Heather K. Morgan with 44 points (and a gross 78) winning a golf carry bag each. Mervyn thanked his partner and the sponsors for the event.
Many lovely raffle prizes had been donated, so thanks to those people. Thanks must also go to Tom in the Pro Shop for all his work; to Laura McQueen for helping with the cards, and to Julie, Gareth and Mo for looking after us so well when we came in.
Provisional dates for diaries are Saturday 15th February for the Valentines Mixed, and the Llewellyn Thomas Knock-out which will be drawn on Friday 28th February. Both competitions will be coming on the computer so keep an eye out for them.
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