Home » Newcastle Emlyn New Year clear out

Newcastle Emlyn New Year clear out

Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 12.18.28NEWCASTLE EMLYN residents are being urged to have a clear out for New Year.

A general waste and tyre amnesty is being held between 8am and 1pm in the mart car park on Tuesday, January 19. Most household waste items can be taken along including unwanted furniture, carpets and mattresses, electrical items such as: Fridges, freezers and televisions, as well as black and blue bin bags. The public will also have the chance to dispose of up to 4 car tyres, lorry and tractor tyres will not be accepted. Hazardous waste such as fluorescent tubes, batteries, paint gas bottles and asbestos will also not be accepted.

Residents can also pick up a free bag of Merlin’s Magic Compost (while available) provided by CWM Environmental Ltd. Half price compost bins will also be on sale reduced from the usual £12 to just £6. Cllr Hazel Evans, executive board member for the environment said: “I hope residents take advantage of this opportunity to have a clear out after Christmas. Hopefully the amnesty will help to reduce fly-tipping and encourage people to recycle as much as possible.”

Residents who are planning to visit are advised to bring proof of address if possible.
