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Prospectors dig up interesting finds

interesting findsTHE Pembrokeshire Prospectors Society celebrated a very successful 2013 by enjoying a Christmas meal and presentation evening at The Cricket Club, Haverfordwest in December.

The following members received awards for their winning Find of The Year Entries: Coins pre 1649 – Jack Tree for a Edward III Groat; Coins 1649 onwards – Mark Goffin for a Young Head Victorian three half-penny; Ancient Artefacts – Trevor Davies for a Viking Silver Arm Band; Modern Finds – Josie Thomas for a Pembroke Yeomanry Badge; Finds Outside Pembs – Kevin Higgs for a 1st Century Colchester Roman Brooch; Club Search – Steve Richards for a Lion Head Policeman`s Brooch; Gold Coin – Jack Tree for a Portugese Gold Threepenny Love Token; Hoard – Adrian Young and Chris Holmes for the Finding of a Bronze Age Ritual Hoard c850BC.

During last year the Prospectors members have found many interesting artefacts and coins in Pembrokeshire, some of which have been sent to The National Museum of Wales, and been recorded as Treasure Trove. The club maintains a good relationship with Dyfed Archaeology and has been asked to help them on a number of occasions. Members have also found a number of lost items for members of the public, which we are always happy to search for.

The Prospectors also published their New Book; Pembrokeshire’s Past Lost and Found Volume II, which has been well received. Details of which can be found on our website; www.pembsprospectors.co.uk., as well as more information about the club. The club meets on the first Thursday evening of every month at The Cricket Club, Dale Road, Haverfordwest, starting at 7.30pm.

They also raised £350 for The Welsh Air Ambulance, and will be supporting the local Hedgehog Hogspital this year.

At their recent AGM, Paul Williams was elected as Chairman and Phil Jenkins as Secretary.
