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Twmpath success for Chelsea

twmpath successLAST weekend saw three events and crowds of local supporters and family members celebrating the vital contribution that Chelsea (Bradley) Manning continues to make to world progress. Most of all the events were about support for the family.

A total of £770 was raised to help them with visits across the Atlantic to their loved one. His aunt told us she was going out next month, but could not take any written messages unless they were written on her T shirt.

It was great for everyone to share their pride in this child of our community who has made world headlines and continues, through his articles to inspire and lead a generation.

A teacher from Tasker-Milward recounted an anecdote where Bradley (as he was then called) defended another child’s artwork from being torn down from the wall by someone who had lost his temper. It stood out in the teacher’s memory as a courageous moral action with some risk to Bradley.

Wales-based Manning supporter Genny Bove said: “The Truthfest was a truly inspiring event brought to Wales by Irish musicians, performers, activists and academics. It was attended by Chelsea’s extended family as well as supporters from far and near.

“We celebrated Chelsea (Bradley) Manning’s commitment to telling the truth when faced with evidence of war crimes and other wrongdoing.”

These events were organised to support her local family who face years of costly prison visits to the US in order to keep in touch with their loved one. It is hoped that the family will gain strength from the love and solidarity shown by all those involved.
