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Youths debate in Council chambers

Cllr Wynne Evans (centre) and Nadine Farmer (far right) from the Children and Young People’s Rights Office: With members of the Youth Assembly (L-R) Elin Rees, Talia Jones, Daniel Bowen, Amy Lewis, Caitlyn Nutting, Hayden Gove, Bethany Roberts, Bryani Kelly, and Jamie Bevan
Cllr Wynne Evans (centre) and Nadine Farmer (far right) from the Children and Young People’s Rights Office: With members of the Youth Assembly (L-R) Elin Rees, Talia Jones, Daniel Bowen, Amy Lewis, Caitlyn Nutting, Hayden Gove, Bethany Roberts, Bryani Kelly, and Jamie Bevan
Cllr Wynne Evans (centre) and Nadine Farmer (far right) from the Children and Young People’s Rights Office: With members of the Youth Assembly (L-R) Elin Rees, Talia Jones, Daniel Bowen, Amy Lewis, Caitlyn Nutting, Hayden Gove, Bethany Roberts, Bryani Kelly, and Jamie Bevan

TWO important national issues came under the spotlight at a meeting of the Pembrokeshire Youth Assembly on Wednesday, January 20 at County Hall in Haverfordwest.

The Assembly first undertook group work to discuss what Pembrokeshire could do to assist a UK Youth Parliament campaign, which aims to tackle racism and religious discrimination against Muslim or Jewish people.

Members then debated whether Pembrokeshire County Council should join with Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion councils to form a new local authority, or remain as Pembrokeshire.

The debate was chaired by Cllr Wynne Evans.

The Youth Assembly has 41 members, representing all secondary school councils and youth forums across the county.

Rose Davis, Children and Young People’s Rights Officer, said: “It’s great that the young people from Pembrokeshire Youth Assembly were offered this opportunity to meet in the Council Chambers and debate issues which are important to them.

“Cllr Wynne Evans clearly explained the procedures followed by full Council and the young people told us that they enjoyed the debate.”
