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Site identified for recycling centre

recycling centreLAND for a civic amenity and recycling centre has been acquired, it was revealed at a meeting of the Cabinet on Monday.

Over the last decade numerous site selection projects have been undertaken and have proven unsuccessful, including most recently a site near to the Brooklands Nursing Home, New Hedges, for which a planning application was submitted”.

The application to put the centre near to the Brooklands nursing home caused anger among its staff and residents.Manager Darren Umanee said:

“We’re relieved that the council have found a potential site away from Brooklands. It has been a very stressful 18 months for both relatives and staff and we’re pleased that they have finally found another site”.

“It was a very insensitive idea to suggest that piece of land.

“I would also like to thank everyone who has supported us in helping to resolve this situation”.

Councillor Jonathan Preston added: “I am delighted that Pembrokeshire County Council’s cabinet members have approved a plan to purchase alternative land for the proposed Civic Amenities Site.

“This has been a long and determined challenge to defend the home environment of very dependent adults. From the onset of our opposition to the planning proposal myself and the campaign group with the support of Plaid Cymru and AM Simon Thomas were resolute in our cause.

“All too often the convenience of the many is put before the wellbeing of the few. Brooklands may now continue to provide the specialist care that is so vital to many families in our community”.

The new site in Saundersfoot will be located off Devonshire Drive, near Crane Cross.

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The project is part of the South West Wales Materials Efficiency Project which is part funded through the convergence element of the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.

The acquisition of the land will be supported by the convergence programme.

Councillor Jamie Adams described it as “a long awaited acquisition” and added:

“This new site is an appropriate location. This will provide a solution for the south of the county and it is a site we can move forward with.”
