TWO APPLICATIONS for solar farms were both approved by the Planning and Rights of Way Committee at their meeting on Tuesday, November 26.
One solar farm will be built at Fenton Home Farm, Crundale near Haverfordwest, while the other will be built at Yerbeston Gate in Kilgetty.
Speaking on behalf of the first applicant, Debbie Marriage said:
“Solar farms do not make any noise and they are less than two metres above the ground. There will not be any glare from them. We have also spoken with an aircraft liaison officer who is satisfied that there will be no impact on air traffic”.
She also outlined the measures that would be put in place to allow for the project to be built and added that the building process would avoid peak times such as mornings and evenings.
In the plan there are also a number of conditions, one of which says that no development should be carried out to the east of the land until further archaeological investigations are carried out. Debbie added that they were happy for this to take place.
Councillor Keith Lewis described it as “a very desirable project”.
The second application was also approved but Councillor Jacob Williams questioned some parts of the project.
There will be a buffer along the hedge which goes down the main road, but there will not be one in front of a house which is to the south of the proposed solar farm.
Cllr Williams asked:
“Why is there no buffer on the southern boundary?”
After much debate it was agreed that the distance between the fence and the first panel would not be a problem to those in the house.
Agent James Stone said:
“It will give the applicant guaranteed income. Neighbours are concerned about glare but solar panels are designed to absorb light and not reflect it. This would not have an adverse impact on amenities.
All Councillors were in favour of the plans.
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