Home » AM supports Small Business Saturday

AM supports Small Business Saturday

small business saturdayPAUL DAVIES, AM for Preseli Pembrokeshire, is supporting Small Business Saturday on December 7 to raise awareness of buying closer to home.

This Saturday is set to be the busiest retail day of the year, and Mr Davies is encouraging the people of Pembrokeshire to buy locally and support small businesses.

American Express launched the campaign in the USA in 2010 and helped introduce it to the UK, working alongside small business organisations and local authorities to raise awareness with TV adverts, regional radio and direct marketing activity.

Mr Davies said: “I’m delighted to be supporting Small Business Saturday, and I hope that the people of Pembrokeshire get behind the campaign and buy locally this year.

“There are a fantastic range of small businesses across Pembrokeshire, catering everything from food and drink, to home accessories and gifts for all the family.

“So let’s support our small businesses here in Pembrokeshire in the run up to Christmas and make a real difference to the local economy.”
