THE LOCAL police force has welcomed the findings of the first PEEL Assessment. In all of the six areas graded by Her Majesty’s Inspectorates of Constabulary this year, Dyfed Powys Police has been graded as ‘Good’. A Dyfed-Powys Police spokesperson told The Herald: “The fact that we are one of only 24 forces that were graded ‘Good’ at investigating crime, in dealing with the most prolific offenders through a joined-up approach with our partners, and tackling the offenders causing the greatest risk to the public.
“We are also pleased that the assessment recognises that we are ‘Good’ at reducing and preventing crime, tackling anti-social behaviour, and efficiently carrying out our responsibilities. It recognises that we have continued to make ‘Good’ progress in managing the reduction to budgets while maintaining a good level of service to our public, and that we remain committed to sending an officer to every crime.
“Tackling anti-social behaviour and providing support to victims has been a priority for us for some time, and there is a strong drive to provide a victim-centred service. The report confirms we are focussed on understanding and managing the risk to victims of anti-social behaviour, and are good at ensuring they get the service they need from us and our partners.
“Although there are some concerns highlighted about our approach to domestic abuse, it also recognises that we have made good progress and that the public can be confident that we are committed to providing a good response and taking robust action against perpetrators, with good standards of investigation.
“The public of Dyfed Powys Police can be reassured that where the HMIC has identified areas for improvement, work is on-going to address these and progress will be monitored.” “Dyfed-Powys Police is alive to the fact that we must be agile and innovative in respect of investigating rapidly changing criminality, and has already started implementing plans to meet current and future digital and cyber challenges.
The force is one of the first in the country to form a Digital Communication and Cyber Crime Unit -the unit has specialist trained staff and the force has already started to deliver digital communication and cyber-crime training courses to non – specialist staff. The force is working as a pilot force with Getsafe Online to deliver crime prevention advice to schools, businesses and other community groups.
HMIC has carried out a new annual programme of all-force inspections. According to the government, the inspections provide accessible, annual independent assessments of the performance of police forces. They will make it possible to see from a small number of easy-to-understand categories of police activity and assessment, how well police forces are performing.
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