CONWY County Borough Council is supporting the UK National Day of Reflection to be held on Tuesday, 23 March 2021.
A minute’s silence will form part of a day of reflection to mark the anniversary of the UK’s first Covid lockdown.
Cllr Abdul Khan, Chairman of Conwy County Borough Council, said “We’re supporting the National Day of Reflection on 23 March, the first anniversary of the UK lockdown.
“I hope others in the community, whether they are at work or at home, will join us in remembering those who have died and those who are grieving.”
There will be a minute’s silence at 12noon with people encouraged to light up their doorsteps at 8pm.
End-of-life charity Marie Curie is leading the National Day of Reflection on 23 March – marking one year since the UK’s first lockdown.
Conwy Supports National Day of Reflection

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