DENBIGHSHIRE council’s forecast for its £271m budget in 2024/2025 is an underspend of £479K (0.2%) – despite council services overspending by millions.
Denbighshire says its budget is under ‘significant pressure’, similar to other authorities across Wales and England.
The authority received the highest percentage increase in North Wales in its annual local government settlement last year. Its services are collectively overspending by £2.8m but a reduction in the overall corporate budget has led to a total underspend of £479K.
A Denbighshire County Council spokeswoman said: “Denbighshire council’s budget, like all other council’s in England and Wales, is under significant pressure.
“The demands and complexity for services that the council has a legal obligation to provide are increasing significantly, and this is why some services are overspending.”

“As an example, education and children’s services are overspending, despite additional budget being allocated when our budget was set this year.
“This is due to demand increasing by more than forecast for some of our most vulnerable children, which the council has a legal obligation to look after and educate.”
She added: “This service overspend is more than offset by underspends elsewhere, as the council is carefully managing its budget, balancing increases in demand and costs for services, (as well as) the needs of our residents with the funding it receives from government and council tax.
“75% of the council’s net budget comes from government, which has not kept pace with increases in costs and demands for services in recent years.”