PLANS to make a coffee shop based in an old Flintshire school a permanent fixture have been given the green light.
An application to create a cafe in the building on Higher Kinnerton’s Main Road was first approved in December 2020.
Documents published by Flintshire Council show permission for the business, known as Walter’s Coffee House, was initially given on a temporary basis for 12 months.
The condition was imposed to allow local authority highways officers to assess the impact of the development on parking and traffic in the area.
A further application was submitted in July this year in a bid to gain approval for the coffee shop on a permanent basis.
A notice on the council’s website now shows the latest proposals have received the go ahead after no further concerns were raised by officials.
In a report outlining the decision, planning officer Barbara Kinnear said: “This application seeks to extend the time period of temporary consent to a permanent consent for the change of use of the premises to a coffee shop.
“The original application was granted a temporary consent to enable monitoring of the site use to assess the impact upon parking and traffic generation on the highway
“Highways development control have confirmed that they are not aware of any concerns or complaints raised by residents with regards to parking and highway issues.
“(They have) no objection and do not intend to make a recommendation on highways grounds.”
She added: “As part of consultation responses, the Cycling UK group have advised that the site is a positive resource for active travel
“No other objections from statutory consultees have been received and therefore, the proposal is considered compliant with the policies of the Flintshire Local Development Plan and the national planning policy guidance.”
The council’s website shows the plans were approved under delegated powers given to officers to decide on minor planning applications.