PLANS to create a Gypsy and Traveller site on the edge of Flint have been submitted amid claims there is an unmet need for such facilities in the area.
An application has been lodged with Flintshire Council to establish pitches for two families on land at Leadbrook Drive in Oakenholt, as well as a day room.
According to planning documents, residents have already moved onto the site and some of the work has been carried out without permission.
In a design and access statement, agents acting for the families claimed a lack of available sites for Gypsies and Travellers in Flintshire had led to several unauthorised developments cropping up.
They said: “The proposed development would consist of the material change of use of the land to provide a two-pitch Gypsy and Traveller family site, which would include the formation of a semi-permeable surface, boundary fencing and landscaping.
“Due to the family having nowhere else to live, some of the proposed work has been carried out and the applicant and family have occupied the land that they own.
“As part of the preparation of this planning application, the only available needs assessment seems to be the Flintshire Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2016, which identified large unmet need in the county.
“This level of need has never been addressed by the local planning authority, despite the adoption of its new local plan in 2023.
“It is having a detrimental effect on adults and children from the Gypsy and Traveller community and has ultimately forced unauthorised developments to take place in Flintshire. This is one of those developments.”
Access for vehicles is proposed to be provided via an existing connection onto Leadbrook Drive, with foul drainage taken via a link to the existing main sewer.
Comments are currently being invited on the plans via the council’s website, with a decision expected at a later date.