Home » Llangollen International Eisteddfod launches solo competitions for 2025.
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Llangollen International Eisteddfod launches solo competitions for 2025.

THE LLANGOLLEN International Eisteddfod has opened the application process for soloists and instrumentalists for next year’s festival, which take place between Tuesday 8 and Sunday 13 July 2025. There will be 7 solo competitions, 18 group competitions and 4 non-competitive ways to take part, with the world’s best soloists and musicians invited.
This year, the festival has introduced youth versions of its Voice of the Future and Voice of Musical Theatre competitions, to encourage younger singers to take part. This is following overwhelming feedback from audiences and competitors in 2024.
The Eisteddfod’s International Voice of the Future competition is always one of the highlights of the festival, which has existed since 1947 to promote peace through music and dance. The 2024 Pendine International Voice of the Future winner was Shimona Rose, a soprano from Singapore, with the competition being sponsored by Pendine Park, a care organisation that supports numerous cultural initiatives locally. The Voice of Musical Theatre competition was won in 2024 by Shea Ferron, a member of celebrated local choir Johns’ Boys Male Chorus (themselves previous winners of the Eisteddfod’s Choir of the World competition).
The Llangollen International Eisteddfod opened its group applications last month. Applications have already been received from choirs from as far away as the USA, Zimbabwe, Philippines, Denmark, Portugal and Canada, as well as dance groups from Burundi, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco and the Republic of Congo, and ensembles from Australia and Ghana.
Dave Danford, Artistic Director of the Llangollen International Eisteddfod said, “Every year our festival attracts some of the most talented singers, dancers, musicians and choirs from around the world. We’ve been delighted with the response from every corner of the globe for our group competitions this year, and we are now pleased to be opening applications for our solo competitions.

“After listening to feedback from our audiences, we have launched exciting new competitions for young people. We want to bring the best young talent in the world to Llangollen and our standards remain incredibly high. We look forward to welcoming all our competitors next July, as North East Wales once again becomes a vibrant destination for music and dance.”

Mae’r Eisteddfod Ryngwladol Llangollen yn lansio cystadlaethau unawd ar gyfer 2025.

Mae’r Eisteddfod Ryngwladol Llangollen wedi agor y broses ymgeisio ar gyfer unawdwyr ac offerynwyr ar gyfer gŵyl y flwyddyn nesaf, a gynhelir rhwng dydd Mawrth 8fed a dydd Sul 13eg Gorffennaf 2025. Bydd 7 gystadlaeth unawd, 18 gystadlaeth grŵp a 4 ffordd anghystadleuol i gymryd rhan, gyda gwahoddiad i unawdwyr a cherddorion gorau’r byd.
Eleni, mae’r Eisteddfod wedi cyflwyno fersiynau ieuenctid o’i chystadlaethau Llais y Dyfodol a Llais y Theatr Gerddorol, er mwyn annog cantorion iau i gymryd rhan. Mae hyn yn dilyn adborth aruthrol gan gynulleidfaoedd a chystadleuwyr yn 2024.

Mae cystadleuaeth Llais Rhyngwladol y Dyfodol yr Eisteddfod bob amser yn un o uchafbwyntiau’r Eisteddfod sydd wedi bodoli ers 1947 i hybu heddwch trwy gerddoriaeth a dawns. Enillydd Llais Rhyngwladol y Dyfodol Pendine 2024 oedd Shimona Rose, soprano o Singapôr, gyda’r gystadleuaeth yn cael ei noddi gan Barc Pendine, sefydliad gofal sy’n cefnogi nifer o fentrau diwylliannol yn lleol. Enillwyd cystadleuaeth Llais y Theatr Gerddorol yn 2024 gan Shea Ferron, aelod o’r côr lleol enwog Johns’ Boys (cyn-enillwyr cystadleuaeth Côr y Byd yr Eisteddfod).

Agorodd Eisteddfod Ryngwladol Llangollen ei cheisiadau grŵp fis diwethaf. Mae ceisiadau eisoes wedi dod o gyn belled i ffwrdd ag UDA, Zimbabwe, Philippines, Denmarc, Portiwgal a Chanada, yn ogystal â grwpiau dawns o Furundi, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Moroco a Gweriniaeth y Congo, ac ensembles o Awstralia a Ghana.

Dywedodd Dave Danford, Cyfarwyddwr Artistig yr Eisteddfod Ryngwladol Llangollen, “Bob blwyddyn mae ein Heisteddfod yn denu rhai o gantorion, dawnswyr, cerddorion a chorau mwyaf talentog y byd. Rydyn ni wedi bod wrth ein bodd gyda’r ymateb o bob cornel o’r byd i ein cystadlaethau grŵp eleni, ac rydym bellach yn falch o fod yn agor ceisiadau ar gyfer ein cystadlaethau unawd.

“Ar ôl gwrando ar adborth gan ein cynulleidfaoedd, rydym wedi lansio cystadlaethau newydd cyffrous i bobl ifanc. Rydym am ddod â’r dalent ifanc orau yn y byd i Langollen ac mae ein safonau’n parhau i fod yn anhygoel o uchel. Edrychwn ymlaen at groesawu ein holl gystadleuwyr fis Gorffennaf nesaf,” meddai. Fel mae Gogledd-ddwyrain Cymru ddod yn gyrchfan fywiog unwaith eto ar gyfer cerddoriaeth a dawns.”
