Home » Rhyl midwife crowned Wales Midwife of the Year

Rhyl midwife crowned Wales Midwife of the Year

Sarah Hookes receiving her award

A MIDWIFE who leads a Welsh national training programme to improve maternity care and safety has been named Wales Midwife of the Year by the Royal College of Midwives (RCM). 

Sarah Hookes works for NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership. She received her prize at the RCM’s Annual Awards ceremony on 27 October, hosted by presenter and musician Myleene Klass.  

After receiving her award, Sarah said: “It is an absolute honour to receive this award which follows a wonderfully fulfilling midwifery career which latterly I have been proud to dedicate to PROMPT Wales. 

Whilst I have been in the fortunate position of leading this programme, none of it would have been possible without the support of individuals and teams throughout NHS Wales.  

“I would particularly like to thank Jonathan Webb, Sarah Morris & Jane Storey and my colleagues in the Welsh Risk Pool. Colleagues in maternity services throughout NHS Wales made the Implementation of PROMPT Wales possible and they must be recognised and commended. This is one for Wales!” 

Sarah’s role as National Midwife in 2018 sees her criss-crossing Wales, delivering a maternity training programme to midwives, doctors, and other maternity staff in Welsh health boards. 

This included training in obstetric emergencies where it is critical that maternity staff work effectively together as a team. Sarah also trained other midwives across Wales to roll out training programmes in their maternity services. 

Sarah has been crucial in ensuring mandatory training needs are met and has also developed an emergency training package for her community midwifery colleagues across Wales. 

The demands of the pandemic also meant that the ‘hands on’ courses she developed and delivered had to be adapted. She rose to that challenge and produced a COVID-safe training package for Welsh maternity units. 

Helen Rogers, Director for Wales at the RCM, said: “Through her efforts Sarah has had a significant impact on the safety and quality of care for mothers and babies across Wales. It is so important that maternity teams of midwives, doctors and others work well together, and Sarah is helping them to do just that. 

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“Her indefatigable spirit, determination and enthusiasm are something we all can learn from. She is someone who truly deserves this accolade and I congratulate her on winning this coveted award.”
