SAM ROWLANDS, Member of the Welsh Parliament for North Wales, has expressed concern at the time it is taking to revert roads back to 30mph.
Mr Rowlands, a long-time critic of the introduction of the 20mph default speed limit, which was introduced in September 2023, says the whole process is taking far too long.
He said: “Everybody knows what I think about this ridiculous policy which has led to thousands of motorists being fined and receiving points on their licences.
“The Welsh Government were quick to introduce this barmy idea but now questions reign over the next step leaving motorists totally confused and frustrated.
“I feel sorry for local councils who are trying to sort out the mess the Welsh Government have created with their ridiculous vanity project.
“The whole policy needs to be scrapped and there needs to be a more targeted approach whereby 20mph is implemented where it is needed such as outside schools, hospitals and where appropriate.”