Home » Proposed advisory for Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot, week beginning 09/01/2023
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Proposed advisory for Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot, week beginning 09/01/2023

THIS is the proposed advisory for Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot, week commencing Monday January 9. Please be advised that the schedule is subject to change and it may not always be possible to staff meetings as anticipated. The LDR staff tweet as @lewis_WalesOnl

Plans for former fire station in Bridgend

Consultation for Bridgend Train station


The delays with Neath Leisure centre


Safeguarding reviews in Bridgend.

Safeguarding review in Neath Port Talbot.


Residents discuss concerns over potential Hydrogen plant development in Bridgend.

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Name: Lewis Smith

Email: [email protected]

