CAERPHILLY County Borough Council’s first night shelter for rough-sleepers has faced “unforeseen delays” and has still not opened.
Independent councillor Nigel Dix criticised the hold-ups and said the plans for a shelter had been on the table for months.
Despite those assurances before December, the shelter remains unavailable to rough-sleepers during recent periods of bad weather, which included night-time temperatures regularly dropping below freezing in early January.

“We should be providing somewhere safe with a hot meal,” said Cllr Dix, who represents Blackwood. “It’s just common human decency.”
He added: “I know how difficult it is to get people housed, but this is basic. I’m worried someone is going to end up with hypothermia.

“I hope the council will reflect on why they haven’t put this in place and will do so in future.”
A spokesperson for the council said this winter is the first time the local authority had piloted the use of its own night shelter.
“Regrettably, as is often the case with new projects, there have been unforeseen delays that have postponed the intentional opening,” the spokesperson added. “In this case there were supplementary issues with departmentalising of the building, and further necessary security and fire checks, which relied on contractor support.”
The spokesperson confirmed the shelter “will open as soon as works are completed and, to ensure everyone’s safety, comply with the required risk assessment for the building”.
“It will then be used to support those who may not be able to access emergency housing placements,” they added. “Where we owe statutory homelessness duties then we have looked to offer placements into emergency housing to prevent rough sleeping.
“Access to the night shelter will be via referral only and more information will be shared as soon as a launch date is confirmed.”