Home » Preparations begin for new Risca later living scheme
Caerphilly South Wales

Preparations begin for new Risca later living scheme

CAERPHILLY County Borough Council is beginning preparations to develop a new later living scheme on the site of the former Ty Darran care home in Risca.

Caerphilly County Borough Council is beginning preparations to develop a new later living scheme on the site of the former Ty Darran care home in Risca.

Work has now begun to prepare the site, including measures to protect trees and clearance of vegetation.  Site investigations are then planned, before demolition of the existing building takes place at the end of January.

When completed, the new scheme will be used to relocate existing Council contract holders from sheltered housing schemes in the locality that have been programmed for closure.  

The building will be designed with high levels of energy efficiency to reduce residents’ bills, whilst also reducing carbon emissions.  It will also boast spacious apartments, with lift access to all floors.  Apartments will also feature personal outdoor spaces, such as balconies, along with accessible communal garden areas.

Contract holders are currently being consulted on proposed designs for the scheme, including giving their views on the range of communal areas that could be incorporated into the facility and used for a variety of organised activities.

Cllr Shayne Cook, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing, said “The plans for this development are very exciting and unlike any of our existing sheltered housing accommodation; with high energy efficiency levels, and flexible communal and outdoor spaces offering increased opportunities to improve residents’ health and wellbeing.

“Residents’ needs and priorities are vital when designing the new facility and an extensive consultation process is currently underway.  Further events will also be held with the local community.”

