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Cardiff Peninsula latest masterplan goes public

CARDIFF Peninsula Consortium (CPC) is inviting local residents to view and comment on the newly updated proposals for Cardiff Peninsula.

The updated outline masterplan includes 1003 homes, a mix of townhouses and apartments, with a further 306 as co-living apartments with spectacular views across Cardiff Bay and the River Ely, as well as a luxury hotel, retail and commercial space and some other significant changes.

The consultation event will be returning to the Vindico Arena for three days on 15-17 May to hear the people of Cardiff’s view on the new proposals ahead of a planning submission to Cardiff Council in the autumn.

CPC has been consulting extensively with local stakeholders for some months, and the newest iteration of the masterplan has taken on board their views. CPC is confident that the scheme will deliver for the whole of Cardiff.

Cardiff Peninsula already has an amazing co-located sports offer in the International Sports Village including the International Pool, White Water and Vindico Arena as well as the nearby Cardiff Marina and Cardiff Bay Yacht Club. The updated masterplan, working alongside other Cardiff Council initiatives, will work to support and enhance the area, venues and local residents.

A spokesperson for Cardiff Peninsula said: “We have such an amazing location, currently unsightly and unused, that does not work for existing local residents, guests and people of Cardiff. We have worked extensively with many different groups to improve the new plan for Cardiff Peninsula, and we want to hear people’s views.”

As part of the consultation event this week, CPC will also showcase new plans for Plot 1 – a later living scheme on the land currently used for parking between Cardiff Pointe and White Water – with new CGI images showing the detail of the building proposed.

Plot 1 will be the first detailed application to be submitted to the Council this autumn, with construction expected to start potentially as early as Q2 2025, and will provide 77 extra-care apartments in a lower rise building on the waterfront of the River Ely.

To activate Cardiff Peninsula during the lengthy planning and construction stages of the project, two phases of ‘meanwhile uses’ will provide some family leisure and sporting opportunities. The first phase will provide padel tennis courts and associated food and beverage provision in a ‘boxpark’ style, expected to be operational this summer.
