A LOCAL community event in the Riverside area of Cardiff saw people from across the local community flocking to enjoy a ‘Summer Fun Day’ last week, hosted by social housing and support provider, Taff Housing.
Taff Housing, who owns and manages over 1500 properties across the capital city, held the free event for tenants and local residents from across Cardiff to enjoy an array of entertaining activities, whilst accessing advice and support. There was everything from circus skills workshops and face painting to yoga and a traditional Indian dance show. Everything was free including Indian snacks and fruit to take home, there were also a wide range of information stands from various local organisations including Riverside Advice, various Cardiff Council departments and the local policing team.
Councillor Leonora Thomson, Labour Cabinet Member for Adult Services and Public Health & Equality also attended the event to meet with local residents.
Clare Dickinson, Community Inclusion Manager at Taff Housing said: “The ‘Summer Fun Day’ is an event that we host every year for our tenants and the local community. It’s fantastic to see everyone come together to enjoy a wonderful day.
“It’s also a great opportunity to engage with our tenants and find out any concerns, worries or issues they might be having. However, mostly the day is about putting a smile on the faces of our tenants and creating a fun and memorable day out for all to enjoy.
“We know summer can be an expensive time of year, especially for families so we hope the day was a fun and memorable day out for all to enjoy.”
Taff Housing hosts various events and tenant support workshops throughout the year, from their Winter Wellbeing Club, which runs from October to March to support tenants with financial stresses caused by the cost-of-living crisis, to their Allotment Group, that provides tenants with access to a garden and boosts well-being.
Helen White, CEO at Taff Housing said: “We believe in building communities where people can thrive while also delivering a range of specialist support and accommodation for young people and families, refugees and those most vulnerable to becoming homeless.
“Our tenants mental health and wellbeing is at the core of our values and holding community events like these are an important part of how we operate and engage with our tenants.
“Our community events provide our tenants with an opportunity to ensure their voices are heard and to influence the services we deliver.”
Taff Housing helps its tenants face a variety of challenges, from unemployment and financial advice to tackling domestic violence and supporting mental health issues. The housing provider also operates numerous commissioned floating tenancy support services that deliver early interventions to help retain tenancies. Taff housing continues to be more than just a landlord by supporting its tenants across Cardiff and helping the city’s diverse community flourish.
Taff Housing owns and manages over 1500 homes across Cardiff, providing 4000 people with somewhere to call home. It is also investing over £30 million in the development of 350 high-quality affordable homes. These homes are not only helping to address the shortage of affordable housing in Cardiff but are also contributing to the regeneration of derelict buildings and the restoration of economic prosperity to areas in decline.
For more information visit www.taffhousing.co.uk