Home » Ysgol Gymraeg Pwll Coch praised by Estyn for its inclusive ethos and commitment to pupils’ well-being
Cardiff Community Cymraeg Education South Wales

Ysgol Gymraeg Pwll Coch praised by Estyn for its inclusive ethos and commitment to pupils’ well-being

YSGOL GYMRAEG Pwll Coch, a Welsh-medium primary school in Canton, has been commended for its strong leadership, inclusive ethos, and focus on raising pupils’ standards following a recent inspection by Estyn.

The report highlights the school’s positive progress and dedication to supporting all learners and praises the school’s clear vision, which prioritises pupils’ well-being, skill development, and academic progress.

Inspectors acknowledged the strong sense of teamwork among staff and leaders, contributes to purposeful cooperation and continuous improvement across the school and highlights the school’s success in promoting inclusivity, particularly through its Special Resource Base (SRB), where pupils are fully integrated into the school community.

Provision for pupils with additional learning needs (ALN) is well-coordinated, ensuring that these learners make good progress alongside their peers.

Key strengths include:

  • A positive and inclusive ethos that is embedded across all aspects of school life.
  • Effective support for pupils with ALN and those affected by poverty, enabling them to make strong progress.
  • Refined teaching methods in mathematics, improving pupils’ ability to apply their skills across the curriculum.
  • Staff acting as strong Welsh language models, helping pupils develop good oracy, reading, and writing skills.
  • Positive relationships with parents and an engaged governing body that effectively supports and challenges the school.

Dewi Rees, Headteacher at the school said: “Our recent ESTYN report is testament to the tireless work, dedication and continued commitment of every member of the school community.

“We are thrilled that Ysgol Gymraeg Pwll Coch has been recognised as an inclusive and happy school environment where every pupil is valued. We are extremely proud that our pupils have been commended for their love of the Welsh language as well as their appreciation of the wonderful diversity of cultures within our school and local community.  

“We are delighted with the recognition of our achievements and remain committed to further enhancing our provision for the benefit of all our learners.”

The report acknowledges that whilst teaching is effective, there are areas for improvement to ensure consistency in challenging all pupils and fostering independence in their learning. The school will address the two recommendations from Estyn in its action plan and build upon its existing strengths;

  • Ensure consistency in effective teaching practices across the school and raise staff’s expectations to provide a consistent challenge for all pupils.
  • Provide opportunities for pupils to take responsibility for their learning and develop as independent learners.

Cardiff’s Cabinet Member for Education, Cllr Sarah Merry said: “Ysgol Gymraeg Pwll Coch should feel proud that Estyn has recognised the school’s inclusive ethos, strong teamwork, and the progress pupils are making.

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“Staff have been shown to work tirelessly to ensure that every child thrives in a nurturing environment, and the school is committed to further enhance the learning experiences for all pupils.”

At the time of inspection, Ysgol Gymraeg Pwll Coch had 324 pupils on roll. 17.3% of pupils are eligible for Free School Meals, 7.6% of pupils identify as having additional learning needs and 24.6% pupils speak Welsh at home. 
