Home » HMO plans in Merthyr Tydfil rejected

HMO plans in Merthyr Tydfil rejected

Llewellyn Street In Merthyr Tydfil (Pic: Google Maps)

PLANS for an HMO in Merthyr Tydfil have been rejected after almost 40 people objected to it.

The application for a change of use from a house to a four bedroom house in multiple occupancy (HMO) at 2 Llewellyn Street was refused by the council’s planning committee on Wednesday, January 15.

At a meeting in November, the committee had voted against officer recommendations to approve the application because of concerns over highway safety and the character of the area.

The application came back to committee on January 15 for the reasons for refusal to be considered.

These were:

  • The development would give rise to an increase in the level of on street parking and congestion to the detriment of highway safety.
  • The nature of the residential use (House in Multiple Occupation) conflicts with the existing housing in the area to the detriment of the character of the area.

Councillor Clive Jones had requested that the application be determined by the committee to consider the concerns raised by local residents, which included the potential impact on the character of the area, residential amenity, highway safety, anti-social behaviour and house prices.

There were 39 public letters of objection to the application which said the property was too small to accommodate a HMO and would result in an over intensification of the residential use.

They also said the development would pose a fire risk because the kitchen facilities were too small and that the surrounding area was made up of many family homes with young children as well as elderly and other vulnerable individuals of all ages and that this proposal would make it unsafe for them.

They raised concerns that the proposal was likely to result in vandalism, theft and harassment in the area and that the development would have an impact on the value of surrounding dwellings.

They also said the site had limited on-site parking and the surrounding streets had insufficient parking for existing residents, resulting in congestion.

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The objections also said the HMO would sit in very close proximity to a primary school and that there were concerns that the future residents of the HMO would give rise to anti-social behaviour, increased noise levels, general disturbances and crime in the area.
