Home » Merthyr Tydfil’s £20m funding in limbo as UK Government halts project
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Merthyr Tydfil’s £20m funding in limbo as UK Government halts project

Merthyr Tydfil Council

THE leader of Merthyr Tydfil Council has raised concern over the uncertainty around £20m of funding for the regeneration of Merthyr Tydfil.

Back in September, the UK Government announced that Merthyr Tydfil was set to received £20m through the Long Term Plan For Towns programme.

The plans involved providing long-term investment in 55 towns to be spent on local people’s priorities such as regenerating local high streets and town centres or securing public safety and transport connectivity.

Councillor Geraint Thomas, independent leader of the council, said that over the past 12 months they’d consulted with residents on their priorities that they’d like the council to take forward for the regeneration of the town.

But he said that “out of the blue we had the rug pulled from beneath us” when they found out through a news report that the UK Government are suspending the project.

He said they are now waiting until a statement to see if they’re going to take this forward.

Cllr Thomas said it’s “disappointing that they haven’t received any formal communication from the UK Government, Welsh Government or from the local MP Gerald Jones or Member of the Senedd Dawn Bowden.”

He said: “This uncertainty risks future projects and the jobs associated with them. The loss of £20m is a huge blow.”

He said they need people’s help to lobby the MP and Senedd Member to get clarity for the future of the town.

A Merthyr Tydfil Council statement said that on Friday, August 23, 2024 a news article was published by Nation Cymru reporting that the £80m Long Term Plan for Towns funding for Wales has been suspended. Merthyr Tydfil was one of four Welsh local authorities set to benefit £20m from this scheme.

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The council said: “Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council has received no formal communication from Westminster or Welsh Government to confirm this, so we will be writing to Angela Rayner, the secretary of state for housing, communities and local government, for clarity.”

A Welsh Government spokesperson said: “We are investing £125 million Transforming Towns funding over three years (2022-25) to support our town and city centres.

“Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council has benefitted from over £18m Transforming Towns grant and loan funding with investments into several large strategic projects.

“We are looking forward to detailed discussions with the UK Government on future arrangements for post-EU funds.”
