COUNCILLORS have approved plans for two bungalows to be built in the garden of an existing house.
As there were more than five objections to the application for the new homes in the garden of a home named Ardwyn on Gwent Road, in Mardy on the northern outskirts of Abergavenny the application had to be decided by Monmouthshire County Council’s planning committee.
Planning officer Andrew Jones said a garage will be demolished for access and there will be two parking spaces provided for each of the new properties that will be 13 metres from the site boundary and some 20 metres from Ardwyn.
Six new native trees will also be planted to compensate for two which will be felled.
Mr Jones said there was no objection from the council’s highways department and contributions for affordable housing, elsewhere in the Abergavenny area, will be paid to the council under section 106 legal agreements for both homes.

Wyesham independent councillor Emma Bryn asked if cash could be used to provide a pavement on Gwent Road but Mr Jones said the section 106 agreements are subject to a test and that wouldn’t meet the criteria.