NEWPORT City Council has been “overlooked” in the UK Government’s second round of levelling-up grants.
In June 2022, the council bid for £20 million to fund the introduction of a City of Newport National Technology Institute (NTI), which was likely to focus on data and cyber.
In a statement, the Newport Labour group said: “We are hugely disappointed that the Conservative government in Westminster has, once again, overlooked a bid from Newport to its levelling-up fund.
“Over the last 12 years, our city council has had to implement savings of more than £90 million, with a further budget shortfall of £27 million for 2023/24.
“Newport’s bid equated to just a small portion of this and sought to support the creation of a National Technology Institute in Newport City centre as an addition to the new Knowledge Quarter, bringing more training and skills and opportunities to our city for our young people.
“We believe in Newport, and we will continue to fight for, and do our best for our city and those most in need even in the toughest of times.”
The UK Government has confirmed plans for a further round of levelling-up funding, which could see other bids approved.
Neighbouring Caerphilly County Borough Council has received £20 million to fund a new leisure centre. In total, £36 million was handed out to local authorities across Gwent.