Home » Skate park or dog walking area among ideas for Newport city park improvements
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Skate park or dog walking area among ideas for Newport city park improvements

An entrance to Beechwood Park in Newport, pictured in May 2023 (Pic: Google)

A SKATE park or a dog walking area could replace a piece of disused land in Newport’s Beechwood Park.

The city council is currently seeking residents’ views on proposals to improve the facilities at two of its parks – Beechwood and Belle Vue.

Map of Beechwood Park in Newport showing the area for redevelopment (in yellow) (Pic: Google/Airbus/Bluesky/Infoterra Ltd & Cowi/A-S/Maxar Technologies)

A former sports court in Beechwood Park is currently considered to have “no formal use” and could be redeveloped if the council is able to secure funding to improve it.

Possible solutions include a dog exercise area, a skate park, an additional all-weather pitch (known as a MUGA, or multi-use games area) or a netball court.

The council has also suggested it could become a covered seating area, or a court for pickleball – a racket sport invented in the USA in the 1960s which has grown in popularity around the world in recent years.

Announcing the survey for the two parks, the city council said “we want to know how you use our parks, what’s good about them, and what you think could be improved”.

No specific proposals have been put forward for Belle Vue Park, but the council is seeking views on any features in other parks which could be added to the site.

An entrance to Belle Vue Park in Newport, pictured in September 2023 (Pic: Google)

Both Beechwood and Belle Vue Parks have won Green Flag status in the past few years, which recognises high-quality green spaces and good management.

The council said that completing the survey will “help us improve our standards at both parks with a view to keeping our Green Flag status in future years”.

Visit https://online1.snapsurveys.com/parks-beechwood and https://online1.snapsurveys.com/parks-bellevue to take part in the surveys online.

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Newport City Council will also be holding in-person consultations at each park’s cafe later this month.

Staff will hold a consultation at Beechwood Park on Saturday July 20, and at Belle Vue Park on Saturday July 27.

Both events will run from 11am to 4pm.
