Home » A Mountain Ash company hike Pen y Fan for Walk Wales 

A Mountain Ash company hike Pen y Fan for Walk Wales 

A MOUNTAIN Ash company has raised over £1,245 for the Wales Air Ambulance after the Charity saved the life of an employee’s sister.

Sarah Jones, from Rhondda Cynon Taf was just 27 when she suffered a cardiac arrest at work last year. Her ‘brave and selfless’ friend and colleague, Emileigh, performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) until the medics arrived and took over her care. A grateful Sarah has since raised an incredible £5,000 for the lifesaving charity.

Sarah’s sister Lucy works for CBS (Complete Background Screening) – The Screening House, and this month six staff put on their walking boots to hike the highest peak in South Wales. 

Sarah Jones

The fundraiser was part of the Charity’s Walk Wales annual fundraising event. This year the Charity asked its supporters to walk, run or jog 50 miles to mark its milestone of reaching 50,000 missions since its inception in 2001.

The CBS staff members were set the challenge to participate in Walk Wales, which consisted of walking Pen y Fan and accumulating 50 miles or more during their lunch breaks, after work or at the weekends.

During the hike up Pen y Fan the team were supported by Sarah and her extended family.

Following Sarah’s cardiac arrest she has had an implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) fitted and has recovered well physically, but still attends regular check-ups.

The company also set up a challenge board to see who could walk the furthest throughout the month.

Wales Air Ambulance is consultant-led, taking hospital-standard treatments to the patient and, if required, transferring them directly to the most appropriate hospital for their illness or injury. For the patient, this can mean hours saved when compared to standard care and is proven to greatly improve survival and early recovery.   

It is delivered via a unique Third Sector and Public Sector Partnership. The Emergency Medical Retrieval and Transfer Service (EMRTS) supplies highly skilled NHS consultants and critical care practitioners who work on board the Charity’s vehicles.  

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As a pan-Wales service, the dedicated air ambulance crews, regardless of where they are based, will travel the length and breadth of the country to deliver emergency lifesaving care. 

A Spokesperson for CBS said: “The lovely weather was a blessing for our participants, making each walk enjoyable and uplifting. This year CBS’s chosen Charity is Wales Air Ambulance. A Charity that holds a very special place in all our hearts but more so for our work colleague Lucy Jones, whose older sister required their services. We are continuously inspired by Sarah’s story and her dedication to giving back. 

“Thank you to everyone who has contributed and supported our efforts to raise funds for Wales Air Ambulance. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.

“We are planning more events throughout the year as we feel so strongly that a charity of this nature needs to be continually supported.”

CBS staff raised £305 through an Easter raffle by donating and selling hampers filled with Easter eggs and wine. The company is also holding a family BBQ in August and a Christmas raffle to raise more funds for the Wales Air Ambulance.

Mark Stevens, Head of Fundraising for the Wales Air Ambulance said: “Thank you to everyone at CBS for taking part in our Walk Wales challenge. The staff know first-hand how important our 24/7 lifesaving service is to the people of Wales. It is heartwarming to hear that after hearing what Sarah has been through, CBS wanted to support our cause. Their fundraising will help us to continue to be there for the people of Wales, just like it was when Sarah needed our help. 

“Every year the Charity needs to raise £11.2 million to keep its helicopters in the air and its rapid response vehicles on the road. By raising funds for the Wales Air Ambulance CBS are helping us to reach those much-needed funds. We really appreciate your continued support.”

There is still time to show your support to CBS by donating to its JustGiving page.
