Home » Camera cars to enforce road safety near Torfaen schools and hospitals

Camera cars to enforce road safety near Torfaen schools and hospitals

Newport council has a Camera Car which is used for patrolling traffic offences (Pic: Newport City Council)

A CAMERA car to catch drivers ignoring road safety regulations around schools could be patrolling the streets of Torfaen within months. 

The borough council intends buying a car fitted with a camera to record licence plates of vehicles failing to abide by traffic orders by the end of March. 

Mark Thomas, the council’s highways chief, told members of a council scrutiny committee: “We are aiming to procure the camera car by the end of March.” 

He said the car wouldn’t be used to issue fines for all traffic offences only restrictions around waiting or parking at sites such as school ‘keep clear’ markings or at hospitals. 

Mr Thomas said officers are also reviewing the council’s existing traffic orders around schools so they can be enforced using the camera car. 

He said: “Instead of perhaps two enforcement officers visiting two schools a day a camera car can travel around multiple schools. 

“We’re not out to catch people but I’ve seen with previous authorities their camera cars are able to travel quickly through areas and put doubt in people’s mind and that increases compliance.” 

Blaenavon independent councillor Janet Jones, who had asked for an update on when a camera car could come into use, welcomed Mr Thomas’ comments as “excellent”.
