A GWENT council is a step closer to using a camera car to patrol its streets for potential parking offences.
A business case for investing in a vehicle to stalk the streets of Torfaen and catch unauthorised parking on camera has been prepared and is now only waiting sign off from the Labour run council’s responsible cabinet member.
In March last year a Torfaen Borough Council scrutiny committee was told the purchase of a car was being considered and a business case was expected to be ready by the end of the year.
The council’s latest delivery plan, which provides updates on how the authority is progressing its county plan which sets out how policies are being put into action, states work on delivering a camera car fell behind schedule in the second quarter of the current financial year, which was from July to September.
But it said the business case and a report for the cabinet member have now been completed.
The update stated: “As soon as this is signed off the implementation of the camera car works such as the procurement of the vehicle will commence.”
In March last year councillors were told a camera car, similar to one used in Newport, could patrol near schools to ensure drivers aren’t parking in restricted areas such as on zig zag markings. At present the council’s four enforcement officers have to try and cover all schools and respond to reports from teachers.
Gavin Newman, the team leader for highways, traffic and enforcement, said “most” local authorities now have a camera car and he said they could be “a really good deterrent around schools and keeping bus stops clear of parking.”
He estimated the cost of a car and equipping it could be between £30,000 and £50,000.
It was also said the council wants to work with communities to avoid issues such as illegal parking at schools.