LISTENING to children and keeping children and adults who are at risk safe is at the heart of a wide-ranging programme taking place across Mid and West Wales for National Safeguarding Week, starting on Monday, November 14.
The programme has been co-ordinated by CWMPAS and CYSUR, the regional safeguarding boards, and designed in response to some of the challenges children and adults at risk face on their journey of recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.
A highlight of the week includes a launch and celebration of a safeguarding training resource and video animation for professionals on November 18 at Parc-y–Scarlets stadium in Llanelli. The video has been created by children and young people from Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Powys and will be formally launched by the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Rocio Cifuentes.
The event will be attended by professionals who play a key role in safeguarding children including police officers, nurses, social care staff and education professionals, and by the children and young people who were involved in the development and creation of the training resource.
Other events hosted by Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board during the week
- a multi-agency conference on domestic abuse hosted by Dyfed Powys Police
- a webinar revisiting some of the themes associated with the Operation Jasmine review into the neglect of older people in care homes
- an event aimed specifically at schools and education staff to promote the positive emotional health and well-being of children post-pandemic
“The aim of Safeguarding Week is to raise awareness and highlight issues that affect children and adults at risk,” said Jake Morgan, Chair of the Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board.
“Our regional programme will be supported by national events taking place across the whole of Wales.”
Key national events include the launch on November 14 of a new multi-agency training standards led by Social Care Wales, and an event on shaping the future of safeguarding in Wales, hosted by the National Independent Safeguarding Board in collaboration with the Violence Prevention Unit at Public Health Wales and Liverpool John Moores University.
More information on the regional programme can be found at
You can follow the Mid and West Wales Safeguarding Board on
Twitter @CYSURCymru /@CWMPASCymru
Facebook @CYSURCymru
Instagram @cysurcymru