Home » Haverfordwest nursery seeks retrospective approval for council-funded play area

Haverfordwest nursery seeks retrospective approval for council-funded play area

ABC Pre-School Nursery, Castle High, Haverfordwest (Pic: Google Street View)

A PEMBROKESHIRE nursery which received a council grant for a covered play area has asked planners to be allowed keep it as it hadn’t realised it needed official permission to build.

In an application to Pembrokeshire County Council planners, Victoria Christie seeks retrospective permission for a covered external play area, built last year, at ABC Pre-School Nursery, Castle High, Haverfordwest.

A supporting statement through agent Ian Bartlett Planning and Architectural Services said: “Children are always supervised. Prior to the erection of the timber structure as a covering to part of the play area, this area was open and its use weather dependant.  It is understood that current guidelines are that covered play areas should be provided to cater for children’s needs.

“The applicant had erected the timber structure with grant assistance from Pembrokeshire County Council but had not appreciated that planning permission was required.”

It added the timber covered area allowed children a chance “to play in a safe and secure environment and enjoy some of messier play experiences in a covered area”.

It finished: “The proposed development is considered to comply with all relevant Local Development Plan policies. The granting of consent will allow the nursery to fulfil its obligations in terms of childcare guidance and will continue to enhance the experience for children using the facility.  It has been demonstrated that no adverse issues are raised by this proposal, and it is policy compliant.”

The application will be considered by county planners at a later date.
