Home » Major battery storage facility plans near Pembroke Power Station approved

Major battery storage facility plans near Pembroke Power Station approved

Pembrokeshire County Council

A SCHEME for a battery storage facility near Pembroke Power Station which will put the county at “the forefront of South Wales’ low-carbon future “has been approved by county planners.

In an application recommended for conditional approval the January meeting of Pembrokeshire County council’s planning committee, RWE Generation UK plc sought permission for a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) of up to 212 battery units including ancillary works, along with a connection to the National Grid on land next to Pembroke Power Station, Pwllcrochan, Pembroke.

An officer report for planners said: “The application site comprises an area of approximately 32 hectares of primarily agricultural land within the countryside, to the south of Pembroke Power Station.

“As well as the main part of the application site that would accommodate the BESS, the application site also includes a linear cable route to connect the BESS to the National Grid substation located adjacent to Pembroke Power Station, temporary construction laydown areas and a new means of access from the main power station access road to the west.”

Members heard that extensive mitigation was planned for visual impacts related to the proposal.

Speaking at the meeting, project manager Victoria Williamson said RWE wanted the Pembrokeshire site to be “at the forefront of South Wales’ low-carbon future,” the battery facility providing storage of excess electrical energy from the ‘grid, contributing to a consistent energy framework by storing energy at peaks and making it available for periods of higher demand.

Members heard local town and community councils had been liaised with, and local households had been informed of the scheme, with “overwhelming support for the proposal”.

Following a request for information from Cllr Alan Dennison, members were told that, if approved, it was hoped the scheme would start at the end of 2025, and be operational by early 2028.

Moving approval, Cllr Brian Hall said: “If we don’t go down this line, to be honest I don’t think the power station will stay there; it’s essential to go down this green energy, with the extra staff and benefits to the Pembrokeshire economy I think it’s marvellous, I have no hesitation whatsoever to move this recommendation.”

The recommendation for conditional delegated approval from the council’s head of planning, once a draft Habitat Regulations Assessment had been ratified, was unanimously passed by committee members.

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