LOCAL private sector landlords are invited to the launch of a new scheme enabling them to lease their property to Pembrokeshire County Council for between five and 20 years, in return for a guaranteed monthly rental income and full property management service.
Leasing Scheme Wales (LSW) is funded by the Welsh Government and managed by Pembrokeshire County Council.
The scheme will be launched locally at the Pembrokeshire Landlords Forum on Tuesday, January 24 at 6pm in County Hall in Haverfordwest.
The scheme aims to:
- Improve access to homes in the private rented sector
Access to affordable and good quality homes in the private rented sector will be improved for those people who are on low income and at risk of homelessness.
- Provide longer term security of accommodation
Tenants will be able to access longer term, settled accommodation for up to 20 years.
- Offer affordable accommodation
Rents are restricted to local housing allowance levels to ensure affordability to tenants on low incomes and/or benefits.
- Provide support
Regular support is provided to help tenants successfully maintain their tenancies.
- Improve standards
Homes available through the scheme will need to meet a specific standard. Financial assistance will be provided to enable landlords to bring homes up to standard.
- Contribute to reducing homelessness
Properties will be used to help reduce homelessness.
Cllr Michelle Bateman, Cabinet Member for Housing Operations & Regulatory Services, said: “This scheme will help more Pembrokeshire people to live independently in safe and affordable properties.
“We want our tenants to be happy, healthy and settled and we will support them to maintain their tenancy by directing them to sources of help if they need them.”
She said the scheme also gives peace of mind to landlords.
“Landlords will not have to worry about the condition of their properties after a tenancy as we will be responsible for the maintenance of the property and will return it to the landlord in the same condition as it was before the tenancy started.
“We will also be responsible for all the void work – the work done on properties in between tenancies.”
The Pembrokeshire Landlords Forum on Tuesday, 24 January will feature talks on:
- Leasing Scheme Wales
- Renting Home (Wales) Act 2016
- Fire Safety in the private sector
- Rent Smart Wales
Guest speakers include Gillian Owens from the Residential Landlords Association, Stuart Macdonald from Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, and a representative from Rent Smart Wales.
The event starts at 6pm (doors are open from 5.30pm) and will take place at County Hall, Haverfordwest, SA61 1TP. Parking is available outside.
Due to the expected high demand, please register your interest as soon as possible by emailing [email protected]
For more information on the Leasing Scheme Wales in Pembrokeshire, please email [email protected]