Home » Pembrokeshire Sibling Group gets Christmas treat from Fenton School
Charity Community Education Pembrokeshire

Pembrokeshire Sibling Group gets Christmas treat from Fenton School

PEMBROKESHIRE Sibling Group (PSG) were delighted to attend Fenton School just before Christmas, to receive money raised from an enterprise fair.

Two pupils, Caiden Meacham and Noah Evans had encouraged donations of toys and games from families in their class and then sold those toys and games at the school enterprise fair.

These intrepid entrepreneurs raised £110 which they presented to Lee Hind, Chairman of the group, in front of their class. Speaking later, Lee said “This is a fantastic effort by two young people in aid of a local cause.

To the best of our knowledge, we are the only sibling charity in Wales, and we provide a recreational and social support service for an often forgotten cohort of children.

This lovely donation will go towards our next activity – ice skating in Cardiff!

If you would like to find out more about the Sibling Group, to refer a child or to volunteer with the group – please email the group secretary – [email protected]
