PLANNERS are to visit the site of the first phase of a proposed scheme for 67 affordable homes in a Pembrokeshire village ahead of any decision.
In an application recommended for conditional approval at the January meeting of Pembrokeshire County Council’s planning committee, Ateb Group Limited sought permission for a “100 per cent affordable” residential development of 57 houses and 10 bungalows, and associated works, at land off The Kilns, Llangwm, the site already having permission for 54 homes.
An officer report, recommending approval, says a social housing grant has been secured for the first phase of the proposed development, for 25 dwellings, with the mix of the second phase indicative at this stage.
Llangwm Community Council has raised issues including sewerage system capacity, a lack of facilities in the village and at nearby Cleddau Reach School for the size of the development, and potential traffic congestion.
18 letters of concern, including from Cleddau Reach VC school were also received, raising issues including traffic and parking, a loss of privacy, the scale and design of the development, the scheme representing a “fundamental change in the character of the village,” being “in excess of the need for affordable housing in Llangwm and nearby villages,” and “likely anti-social behaviour associated with the development”.
The application was recommended for the council’s head of planning to have delegated powers of approval subject to the completion of a Section 106 agreement which includes financial contributions to mitigate the impact of development on local schools Cleddau Reach VC and Haverfordwest High VC.
Speaking at the meeting Barry Childs, on behalf of the community council, said the scheme before the committee “bore little resemblance” to the original proposal, with “limited knowledge of the village and its facilities”.
Local member Cllr Michael John expressed concerns at the size and location of the proposal, saying he could not support the scheme in its current format, calling on Ateb to withdraw it.
Calls were later made to defer the application for Ateb to meet with the community over the concerns raised, with concerns also raised on the impact the development would have on water quality from thew increased foul water draining demands of the scheme.
Members were told no deferral for to seek an amended scheme was possible, a proposal later being moved by Cllr Alan Dennison for a site visit and land drainage concerns, the application returning to a future meeting.