PLANS for an adult gaming centre and tanning salon in Swansea city centre have been approved on appeal.
The council’s planning department had turned down an application for the business on Union Street, saying that although jobs would be created a gaming centre for people aged 18 and over would “fail to sustain the vitality and viability” of the city’s retail core. The applicants, iLudo82 Ltd, appealed the decision.
A Welsh Government-appointed planning inspector has now allowed the appeal and granted permission. The adult gaming centre would be on the ground floor of an empty double-fronted shop near Swansea Market and the Quadrant Shopping Centre, with the tanning salon on part of the first floor.
The inspector acknowledged that a retail unit would be lost if the gaming centre was allowed, but she said she’d observed a variety of shops in the city centre including national retailers. The double-front unit, she added, had been vacant for around 11 months.
Her decision report said “no specific evidence has been provided to demonstrate that loss of the unit or that such a use would undermine the city’s retail offer and securing a leisure use in a city centre location would not be uncommon”.

She said there were betting shops further up Union Street and that another bookmakers had recently won a planning appeal for a new one on Union Street where Shoe Zone used to trade. But she said she “did not experience a sense of over-dominance of gambling-related uses”, adding that adult gaming centres offered different services to betting shops. She added that the gaming centre “would be controlled by other legislation under the licensing regime”.
Her report said: “In planning terms, and on the evidence before me, I am not convinced that there would be demonstrable social harm arising from the proposed use, which would weigh against it.”
She also noted the council’s focus on delivering long-term regeneration schemes in Swansea but said the adult gaming centre, which seeks to operate 24 hours a day, would result in no greater harm to these aims than if the unit remained empty.
The council had not objected to the tanning salon element of the application, and the inspector agreed with this.
The planning permission issued by the inspector has conditions, including that a noise management plan for the gaming centre must be submitted to and approved by the council before it opened.