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Golden Grove to Everest and back!

golden groveRECENTLY retired GP Andy Evans has returned to Golden Grove School, Pembroke from Nepal having completed the Everest Marathon in order to raise money for the Nepalese people.

A fabulously flamboyant Father Christmas was raffled earlier in the week to boost Dr Evans’ fundraising efforts. Santa was delighted to be won by Ben in year 5.

Returning to the primary school on the last day of the Christmas term, teacher Rhian Bruce welcomed Andy Evans and Anna Tynan back for a second time to view the children’s hard work and show photographs of the time spent in Nepal.

The children’s enthusiasm and interest in the project was evident throughout the visit and the carefully prepared presentation and further discussion about the adventure and cultural differences in this area of the world captured the children’s interest and imagination.

The photograph of two small tents in the presentation that resembled portaloos and were in fact used for this very purpose, and one young man suggested that these might be ‘dwellings to bathe the yaks down after a hard days trekking’!

Many thanks to all the children, especially Max and Megan in year 3, Kyle and Kai in year 4, for all their help in selling the tickets.

The opportunity to donate money for this very worthwhile cause is ongoing until February 2014. Every £10 collected converts to about one month’s wages for this poor district of the world. Small donations are very welcome.

Please go to virginmoneygiving.com/andyevans11.
