REVAMPING a petrol filling station near Llandrindod Wells will see six electric vehicle charging points installed and the scheme could also create an extra five new jobs if Powys planners approve the scheme.
The application for Crossgates Service Station has been lodged with Powys County Council by Ian Richards of Ascona Retail Limited.
The company want to demolish the existing retail unit, café, fuel sales forecourt, and build a replacement shop with food outlet, fuel sales forecourt including new underground tanks and canopy.
According to the plans the food outlet would include both an inside seating area and drive through option.
New jet wash and air/water bays are part of the scheme as well as electric vehicle charging points and a launderette “pod.”
Planning agent Matthew Jones of C&A design explained the proposed in a design and access statement.
Mr Jones said: “The shop is the largest general store in the village, so forms an important community function.
“On the site there is currently a one HGV filling pump station and another three pumps with canopy above.
“The existing below ground fuel infrastructure is ageing, and the risk of leaks to the environment will increase as the infrastructure
approaches the end of its expected life.
“Redevelopment of the site provides opportunity to renew the below ground infrastructure and enlarge the size of the retail offer.
“Renewing the underground fuel infrastructure reduces the environmental risk associated with the site, and a new shop and food outlet will allow the site to be economically sustainable in the future.”
Mr Jones explained that the proposal with retain the same “uses” and will sell convenience goods.
Mr Jones said: “A bakery type food outlet is also included, with some seating.
“A standalone laundrette facility is included, replacing the existing facility.
“Improved petrol filling facilities will be included, consisting of new fuel tanks and pumps as well as a new canopy.
“The six electric car charging points are proposed, with the final capacities subject to the local grid capacity.”
A decision on the application is expected by July 7.