PEMBROKESHIRE-based food bank PATCH has asked The Herald to put out an appeal to explain they are running low of some basic essential supplies.
PATCH say they are helping around 50 people a day in the county who otherwise could not afford to eat, and they say that benefit changes, the electricity and gas price hike and increase in cost of fuel at the pump are all having an impact on local families. More and more people cannot cope.
On Facebook yesterday (Apr 7), PATCH said: “We’ve helped around 50 people a day this week. We really need your help and please. (If you can)
“Not only are we desperate for meat meals (meat balls, tinned pies, chicken in sauce, chilli etc) and soup.
“We really need tea bags, tinned spaghetti in tomato sauce, tinned tomatoes, rice pudding and tinned peas.
“Please help with anything you can. We do realise times are tough for so many, but even 1 tin would be amazing. Thank you!”
Asked if PATCH had seen an uplift in the number of people using their services, Manager Tracy Olin said: “Oh my word yes!
“It’s a 26% increase from 2021 for the first quarter and there had already been a huge increase during the two years of the pandemic.
“The client’s needs have got worse as well as the increase. The £20 a week uplift was withdrawn at the worst possible time. The cost of living has escalated at an unmanageable rate for many. Now we have the fuel standing charge increase. It’s a dire and very scary time for those that use our services.
“Just yesterday we had a client come in distressed as they just can’t cope with their income. She was so much happier when she left. She knew the family can have food and the ‘luxury’ of some chocolate too.
“They had not purchased any chocolate for months. Things that many take for granted have become luxuries for too many. We had a mum with a very young child that just couldn’t afford to put the heating on.
“By providing food they could afford heating for the weekend.

“Small business cannot afford wage increases and sadly that can mean that employees need our support. Minimum wage isn’t sufficient, yet what can small businesses do?
“Saying all this we are absolutely overwhelmed by the generosity of our supporters.
“I have learned to always have faith in our amazing community.
“As the need increases so does the amazing generosity. We’ve had times when the shelves are empty and no money to purchase food, yet we’ve never had to say sorry we have run out.
We are so incredibly grateful.”