MOVING beyond fossil fuels is a huge challenge. Can it improve the quality of life locally? Or is it all about sacrifice, doing and having less?
An event on Friday, May 13, in Haverhub will ask people to shape a zero-carbon county, from the ground up.
The County Council plan for net zero will be on display, with officers available to discuss it, but the focus is on a complementary people’s plan, community led.
The 10am to 5pm event is a fair, showcasing businesses delivering on zero, with optional discussion circles and activities to try out. There will be tasters of blacksmithing, wood skills, a hydrogen car, good food for donations, info on marine renewables, solar PV, inverters and storage, reducing bills, sea farming, community gardening etc
At 3pm we will hear progress by the council, reasons for and against climate action, then break into groups to consider the foundations for a plan. The speakers will include an opponent to climate action, a climate activist and representatives from the council.
There is an optional discussion on Land for the People at midday and on Mental Health Mutual Help at 1.30pm.
Sir Sero is organised by Grwp Resilience, with funding from the UK Community Renewal Fund.
Grwp organiser, Vicky Moller explained why this, why now: “The challenge is to build the future we want or to have one imposed on us. For many, a life without fossil fuels suggests having and doing less and making sacrifices. It could be the opposite, having much more power over our lives and doing more with greater skills. Moving out of fossil fuels is essential for our shared future, and inevitable in time anyway.
“If we don’t build a community led plan, the risk is that changes will further disempower and impoverish us. So the time is now to take the lead through democratic discussion.”
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