With more people visiting the Welsh coast than ever before, wildlife disturbance is on the increase. Recently, we’ve received sad news of the death of a seal pup after its mother failed to return to feed after being disturbed and scared off by people who wanted to take pictures and ‘selfies’ with the seal pup.
During the breeding season (August to December) you may come across white fluffy seal pups on beaches or rocky outcrops along the Welsh coast – often on their own. The mother however will probably be close by, so it is vital to keep your distance so she can return to her pup to feed it.
Sue Burton, SAC Officer for Pembrokeshire Marine SAC said that “Seal pups need space and time to rest and grow, they are fed by their mothers’ for just three weeks before they have to fend for themselves. It is vital that during this time they are given space. Disturbance can lead to abandonment and death”.
It is very important to remember that these beautiful iconic creatures are wild animals.
Keep your distance from wildlife – Enjoy from afar