Amazon’s acquisition of MGM in March 2022 paved the way for a reality series spin-off from the James Bond franchise. Titled “007: Road To A Million,” the show features 9 pairs of ordinary individuals vying for a £1,000,000 cash prize.
Combining James Bond-style adventures with the unpredictability of reality TV, “007: Road To A Million” offers gripping entertainment for Bond enthusiasts and reality show fans alike.
A recent survey conducted by PartyCasino asked 1000 participants from the UK who had seen at least 6 out of the 8 episodes from the first season, a dozen questions on Season 1, what they would like to see in Season 2 and who they would pick as a partner on the show.
The show incorporates iconic Bond elements, such as gadgets and casinos, as well as locations like Jamaica, Italy, and Switzerland.
When participants were asked about which locations they would like to see on the show, 27.50% of participants voted the Welsh Coastal Cliffs, Pembrokeshire as a prospective location for the second season of the show.
The participants also considered other cities like Manchester, Sheffield, Bristol, Liverpool, Glasgow, Newcastle, Belfast, Leicester, Birmingham, Southampton, Nottingham, Cardiff, and Leeds.
Favourite couple and potential winners
Josh Ali and Kamara Davis, former colleagues and now a married couple living in Peckham, were without a doubt the most popular couple on the show. When poll takers were asked about the most entertaining couple and who deserved to win the main prize, the results were clear:
“From a competitive perspective, which couple do you think would deserve to win the main prize on 007: Road To A Million?”
Kamara and Josh received 15.8% of the votes. James and Sam (father and son) came in second place at 13.7%.
When asked who their “favourite couple was for entertainment purposes”, Kamara and Josh received 15.7% of the votes. Keith and Nick (former colleagues) got 12.2% of the votes, followed by the brothers James and Joey at 12%.
The identical votes indicate that the participants voted for the same couple on both questions (15.7% and 15.8%). When asked who to pick as a competing partner if participating in the show, the majority (23.4%) picked their partner as their first choice:
Partner: 23.4%
Friend: 19.6%
Sibling: 14.8%
Colleague: 11.9%
Distant relative: 10.4%
Neighbour: 10.1%
Parent: 9.8%
The show’s second season was announced by producers 2 months before the first season aired, and the application deadline for participants was extended to 31 December 2023.
Filming of season 2 is expected to take place throughout 2024, and it is disclosed that part of the filming will “possibly take place out of the UK” for short periods.