A PLANNING inspector has upheld a Pembrokeshire County Council decision to refuse planning permission for a detached garage.
The Inspector dismissed the appeal by Mr Peter Baker against the Council’s decision to refuse the proposed development at Amroth Road, Ludchurch.
Planning Inspector J P Tudor agreed that the development would cause unacceptable harm on the character and appearance of the area.
The planned garage was to be placed in front of a detached bungalow.
Other properties nearby generally have garages situated to the side or rear or integrated into the main building.
The Inspector said: “Given its size and position, the garage would appear prominent in public views along the highway and be noticeable from neighbouring properties. It would compromise the existing sense of space and openness to the front of most dwellings.
“Therefore, the development would have an adverse effect on the character an appearance of the area.”
The appeal was dismissed.