Home » Kraus resigns from town council following Facebook monkey post controversy

Kraus resigns from town council following Facebook monkey post controversy

THE PEMBROKE DOCK Councillor who caused controversy after a posting a photo that appeared to compare black people to monkeys, has resigned.

Pembroke Dock Town Council confirmed that Mr Peter Kraus has resigned today in a post shared on their website.

Kraus is under investigation by Police regarding the alleged ‘hate crime’.

Pembroke Dock Town Councillor Peter Kraus was referred to the Police following a post on his Facebook page which appeared to liken Black Lives Matters protestors to a pack of monkeys attacking a motor vehicle.

Following an outcry over the post, which was reported in the national media, Cllr Kraus earlier denied any attention to offend with his post.

After appearing to claim the post was the work of unidentified hackers, Cllr Kraus later said that the post was “not meant as an insult to black people”.

He said: “The point I was making was that we are worse than animals.
“It is bad enough with this pandemic without all these crazy things that are going on everywhere.
“We are all humans, I have lots of black friends in London and all over the world who I respect, I am a person who loves peace.
“I absolutely hate all this violence that is going on.”

Cllr Kraus is a prominent figure in Pembroke Dock and a conspicuous promoter of local charities.

Pembroke Dock Town Council says it is investigating Cllr Kraus’ post after receiving complaints about it.

A spokesperson for the Town Council said it did not condone posts like Cllr Kraus’ and it ‘take actions like this very seriously’.

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